How to mine TCR?
1. Download:
• ccminer.exe (nVidia GPU)
(• sgminer.exe (ATI GPU)
( Use command line from where you have put ccminer.exe/sgminer.exe
• “ccminer -a mtp-tcr -o stratum+tcp:// -u (here put your address) -p 0,d=0.016 — cpu-affinity 1”
• “sgminer -a mtp-tcr -o stratum+tcp:// -u (here put your address) -p 0,d=0.016 — cpu-affinity 1”
3. Alternatively, you can download bat file (Bat file (
• Edit the file and put your address instead (the active line is the line which doesn’t have a “rem” in front)
• Requirements: Graphic cards with at least 4.4 Gb of vram!