🚀Old new member of the team — Rafał Kiełbus🚀
👍 Previously, Rafał was a blockchain advisor, and now he is permanently joining the team as a programmer. 👨💻
👍 Below is a brief summary of his achievements to date:
👉Board Member at Polish #Blockchain and New Technology Chamber of Commerce; member of Polish Bitcoin Association.
👉Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at PBaNTCC (Polish: IGBiNT).
👉Participates in works of the Parliamentary Team of MP Wilk on Blockchain Technology and the Cryptocurrency.
👉Participated in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Stream conducted by the Ministry of Digitization and in the work on the KNF Blockchain Technology Report.
👉Member of the team updating the code of niche digital currencies, such as Doubloons, #Polcoin, #PLNcoin and participated in creating the #digitalPLN currency.
👉Worked at the Polish Blockchain Technology Accelerator as a programmer. 👨🏻🔬
👉Gave lectures on the technical aspects of digital currencies, smartcontracts, blockchain #technology, currency / tokens differentiation, Lightning Network technology, wallets security and others, including:
🚀 Beer & Bitcoin (several editions)
🚀 Blockchain Meetup Łódź (several editions)
🚀 Digital Money & Blokchain Forum (V, VI)
🚀 BlockchainTech Congress (I)
🚀 Bitcoin & Blockchain Meetup Opole (I)
🚀 IT Gorzów
🚀 Crypto Congress
🚀 Blockchain Aliance
🚀 Blockchain Devs
🚀 Blockchain Business
🚀 Silesia Blockchain Meetup
🚀 Lecture at ASBiRO.
👉 Some of his speeches can be found on YT or FB, he also wrote some texts on Steemit, most of them under the common title “Rafał straightens #Bitcoin”.
👉 From now, Rafał From now on, Rafał will help us further develop the blockchain. His main programming languages are C#, C++ and C.