Our memory of #GrapChina 2018:
Due to the immaturity of the market associated with the #Graphene #technology, there is a gap between
theoretical application and commercial implementation. This means that the majority of Graphenebased technologies are still at the research stage, which raises legitimate concerns among investors.
Another opportunity is the lack of standardization and the specified quality of Graphene. This technology is currently in the second phase:
a) Invention of Graphene,
b) Development of Graphene to an application form,
c) Graphene implementation and commercialization.
The Tecra Investment team debated these issues with the global industry leaders at GrapChina 2018 in China. Together with: Professor Francesco Bonaccorso from the IIT Central Research Lab Genova, Professor Stephen Roch from the Catalan Institute of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology-ICN2 and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Dr. Norbert Fabricius from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Professor Vladimir Falko — Director of Graphene NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training from the University of Manchester, Professor Joshua Robinson from Pennsylvania State University, Professor Andrea C. Ferrari from the University of Cambridge, Murni Ali — Vice President of National Graphene Action Plan 2020, Professor Dr. Xinliang Feng from the Max Planck Institute, Professor Jinbo Bai from the French National Research Center, professor Dusan Losic Dusan from the School of Chemical Engineering within the University of Adelaide and Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Graphene Hub for Graphene Enabled Industry Transformation, Professor Johan Liu from the Chalmers University of Technology, Professor Sumio IIjima from the University of Basel, Professor Emmanuel Kymakis from the University of Cambridge, Professor Feiyu Kang from Tsinghua University, Dr. Di Wei from Nokia Research Center, Dr.
Mingyang Lu from the Jackson Laboratory, we recognized that the gap between the research world and market reality is still too large.
Therefore, we sent a letter to researchers, entrepreneurs and investors in this space around the world to begin to bridge this gap between science and business.