Tecra at Wolves Summit
📣Today and tomorrow we are at the 9th edition of a multinational conference Wolves Summit by Wolves Gate in Warsaw focused on networking and connecting innovative startups with investors. As #TECRA, we are going to present our project and the prototype of our graphene bulb, which will be demonstrated by Przemysław Wiewiórski, M.A. — a research worker at INTiBS (Institue of Low Temperature and Structure Reseacrh, PAS) at the Department of Optical Spectroscopy.
#WolvesSummit is one of the most important international events in Europe focused on valuable networking. It combines promising startups, tech companies, investors and corporations that want to support global innovation.
Each edition presents the most interesting startups with potential, selected from thousands of applications. It gives the opportunity to choose the best projects and ensure the highest level of conference.