Tecra Monthly Summary: July 2020

Tecra Space
10 min readJul 31, 2020


Tecra Monthly Summary. Hotbit, TecraCoin Smart Deposit


Total supply: 6078282 5TCR
TCR price: (17.07.2020): 3.20 USD
Block no: 354321

Tecra in July

July 2020 was a productive month for the Tecra start-up. This month’s activities were more of a research and development nature. There were a lot of things done in various regards of Tecra’s projects. In this article, we are going to put you through the most remarkable headlines of the last month. Blockchain developers and advisors, financial and economical consultants as well as marketers lucratively worked through the main challenges in relation to building the Tecra’s value.

Hotbit listing in Q4 2020

TecraCoin TCR China, Asia, Tecra新闻 今年第四季度 TecraCoin 将在Hotbit上市 交易所 特科拉

Signing the contract with the cryptocurrency exchange platform @HotBit was the essential milestone in our start-up. Tecra being officially listed on the platform will allow its users to experience the benefits of the buy&sell of TCR. The global presence and tremendous opportunity to access the Asian markets is one of the reasons why our company selected HotBit as the first platform to enter the market. This is a significant part of our business model. Markets such as China, Japan, and South Korea hold leading positions in the number of innovation patents. We believe that entering these markets will raise the recognizability of our patents and the start-up itself. Our team is highly motivated to keep the value of TCR coin and develop its sustainability. We remind you that entering the trading platform is planned in Q4 2020.

TecraCoin TCR at Hotbit Exchange

New investing platform development

The most attention was paid to creating a new website, which will be called Tecra Space. The series of meetings with developers and designers, the discussions over the homepage and its content leads to its logical conclusion. There are only minor details left to be done. As for today, we are working through the final fulfillment of the website content so that everything will be made as we planned. At the moment we can reveal that in the BETA version you will find all the information about our company, interesting blockchain statistics, the announcement of the investment platform, and the simulator of our new product TecraCoin Smart Deposit.

We are designing a new payment gateway system that will be integrated with our new website. We assure it will be an easy-to-use interface that effectively leads users through the whole procedures of purchasing TecraCoin. Thanks to this improvement, you will be able to buy coins with a credit/debit card. Though you will be guided through the KYC verification process for larger transactions. This solution will make it easy for all of the users to buy TecraCoin.

Tecra’s online platform will allow you to invest in projects with a high potential for commercialization.TecraCoin is the cryptocurrency that will be used in all of the transactions on the platform. The blockchain technology will guarantee the safe and transparent process of investing in the project. The investment itself is facilitated by the fact that the projects will be verified for feasibility, efficiency, and potential by our experts and community. Projects listed on the investment platform will have high scientific potential and will be marketable. On the other hand, scientists or entrepreneurs will be able to attract the capital for the development and commercialization of their projects.

Although we have not launched the new platform yet, we have already received plenty of questions both from creators and investors who are curious about the projects. We are in the midst of seeking capital for our three very specific projects:
1) Electric bicycle
2) Photovoltaic farm
3) Computer game
(for some of the projects we are already negotiating with a big investor)

TecraCoin Smart Deposit ready to be released

We remind you of the upcoming release of crypto-deposits on mobile wallets. So far it will be available on mobile phones. We are eager to encourage you to download our convenient Tecra wallet to effectively explore new options. Download the new app to be prepared. You can find the links below.

TecraCoin Smart Deposit

Tecra starts “Tecra Smart Deposit” for TecraCoin to reward Users who hold TecraCoin in Wallets. The deposit can be opened only through your mobile Wallet. The Bonus shall be granted after the end of the deposit period chosen by the user. The Bonus is determined based on the number of TecraCoin placed in the deposit. The amount of the Bonus varies depending on the type of deposit (the duration of the deposit and the value of the funds deposited in it) and on the amount of the fund from which the Bonus will be paid. During the period of the deposit, the user is not able to manage the funds placed in the deposit, in particular, the user is not able to make transactions with the funds. Users can choose the type and period of the deposit. Information about the type, period, and interest rate of the deposit is available in the mobile TCR Wallet.
In order to open a deposit, the user should use the Wallet option and:

  • select the amount of TecraCoin to be deposited
  • select the type of deposit
  • read these Regulations and accept them
  • choose the option “Invest”

The Bonus is awarded at the end of the period chosen by the User, within 7 days. Users accumulate Bonuses in exchange for holding TecraCoin in Wallet.
Follow us. We’ll inform you as soon as the product will be released.

Key benefits of TecraCoin Smart Deposit

  • easily accessible [directly from your mobile version of TCR Wallet]
  • safe and protected by our own blockchain
  • previously determined return profit
How the TCR Smart Deposit Calculator will work

In addition, an interest rate calculator will be available on the website and in the application. This will be a good investment tool to check profitability and optimize the amount and time of TecraCoin Smart Deposit.

TecraCoin from beginner to advanced

We’ve also made instructions on how to use our TCR wallet. Of course, the wallet itself is very easy to operate, but we had received a lot of messages as to lack of understanding of how to make transactions (especially multiply transactions), so we decided to clear the things up for you.
The whole series of guides you can check on our medium.

How to install TCR Wallet

In this article, you will get to know how to install your wallet. We also explained how to create your own TCR wallet and what seed phrase is.

How to recover TCR Wallet

Backing up the wallet is the essential step of keeping your wallet safe. This note shows you how to set up the security option of your wallet. Keep your recovery phrase offline in a safe place.

How to make a transaction

Here you can see how to make single as well as mass transactions between the wallets. Also, you will learn how to add contacts and what the fees are.

How to set up TecraCoin Masternode

TCR Masternode

If you have some programmer background, and 10 000 TCR you might be interested in Masternodes. Masternode is a full blockchain node, which means it keeps a full copy of our blockchain. Masternode holders get paid for maintaining the network in perfect condition. In order for Masternode to work properly, you have to comply with some of technical requires.
In this video, our blockchain developer Rafał Kiełbus explains thoroughly the complicated process of MasterNodes installation. This instruction provides a clear view of MasterNodes configuration as well as other processes related to that procedure.

Moreover, we would like to remind you that our developers are working on designing the «one-click MasterNode» option that enables users to set up MasterNode in just a few simple steps. «One-click MasterNode» is expected to be available at the end of September 2020.

How do Masternodes earn TecraCoins?
For keeping a masternode on the computer/server, the miner gets a partial share of the blockchain prize.
In human terms: when you mine a given cryptocurrency, you minethe blocks. There is a reward for the block. And the part of reward goes to the miner and a part to the masternode. And this is how you earn coins.

Upgrading the TecraCoin core to version 14

As you remember, the blockchain used by Tecra is the fork of the widely recognized Zcoin blockchain, we are working on the upgrade from version 11 to version 14 which includes all of the changes from the versions 12 and 13. The most significant reason for such changes was to enhance the masternodes and increase the safety of our blockchain. This will be the biggest change introduced when updating to Core 14!

The progressions in upgrading

We are running through the upgrading because currently, MN communication between the nodes is going off-chain, and data is stored in memory without being stored in the blockchain. The winner of the vote is rewarded by a payment in the next block. However, there could be a scenario where a node can “disconnect” from the rest of the node’s network and conduct its own voting, despite the preferences of the most MN. This causes the MN to be blocked and the approved voting winner may not receive the reward.
In this regard, by adopting the Zcoin solution, Tecra will implement a new masternodes launch and voting system. It will move the process of activating and voting directly on blockchain operations. Eventually, we will build “deterministic masternodes” that cannot “disconnect” from the main voting chains. This ensures that the approved voting winner is undoubtedly the only one.


This month we continued to work on the development of smart contracts integrated with our blockchain. Currently, we are designing a template for the automatic generation of smart contracts, thereby making it possible for people with no programming skills to use them. It will be a very intuitive and easy-to generator based on a public blockchain.
There are still hardly any solutions like this in the world, and we aspiring to get into this market niche and become a role model for other companies in this regard. We are still working on creating this product, although it is quite a difficult task for our developers.
The solutions will allow implementing smart-contracts in different spheres such as voting systems, token distribution, or automatic payments. The present progress is only by the developer’s side. There is much work to be done as to integration with TCR mobile wallet and the creation of convenient UX.

New employees

In July, the Tecra was enlarged by several new employees. Our team was joined by 3 community managers, blockchain advisor, and backend developer. In addition, we recruited a Chinese language specialist who will help us to get in touch with the Chinese community (We will introduce her soon).

Tecra新闻 今年第四季度 TecraCoin 将在Hotbit上市 交易所 特科拉

Throughout the month, the new members were effectively involved in the technical, business, and marketing aspects of the Tecra project’s development. Together with the CEO management they actively discussed the company’s development strategies. A very important step was to establish a long-term marketing plan. Our new employees with experience in blockchain projects and other industries use their creative ideas to develop Tecra. In addition, once again in July, an integration event was held with the participation of Tecra team members, employees of the companies we cooperate with, and representatives of the university.

Graphene bulb progress

There has been a lot of discussion about graphene technology. However, this technology continues to evolve with great potential for expansion and application in everyday life. We are designing a useful product — graphene bulb that can be utilized in common daily life. It reduces the emission of harmful blue light. In simple words, we can benefit from the more natural light that evolution has accustomed us to. An additional advantage is the energy-saving aspect of the invention.This month we got an insight that visualization of this project will be completed in September and we will see the first prototype in October.

Our CEO and Co-founder Przemyslaw Karda and Co-founder Lukasz Gromek had a meeting with developers in Wrocław.

Tecra graphene bulb designers

Keep in touch with us!

We would like to thank everybody who is involved in the development of our projects. Our community, developers, and advisors are the main foundations of our start-up works. We will continue to improve our efficiency to achieve the best world’s solutions. In the next months, there will be even more challenges to be encountered, but the entire Tecra team is motivated and ready for all the challenges ahead.

Some of the selected changes in blockchain upgrading

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Tecra Space
Tecra Space

Written by Tecra Space

Crowdfunding Hub for High-tech Start-ups 🌎 Investing based on #blockchain technology with fundraising as a service. https://tecra.space/

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