Tecra Weekly News (August 17–23)
TCR price (23.08.2020): 3.20 USD
Coin supply: 62262652 TCR
Analyzing the new project
We are analyzing one of the first projects that may appear on the Tecra Space platform. On the global market, electric bikes are becoming more and more popular every year. The short period of existence on the market of this vehicle type causes that not everyone has had the pleasure to try and get to know how they work. Therefore, we decided that placing such a project on our platform is an excellent idea.
We are introducing you Grom EV!
What are Grom EV bikes and what makes them special?
Grom EV bikes are designed for the most required users, that esteem their passion. Our product is perfect for any kind of terrain and weather conditions. It is a unique product of Polish authorship, which is characterized by high power, above-average durability, long mile range, and smart driving assistance system. The innovation of Grom EV is a unique combination of the features of an extreme off-road bike and a modern powertrain. The actual bike configurations can be modified significantly and the Grom EV electric drive controller is programmable. They also foresee creating special versions for uniformed units. Many years of experience of the applicants in creating and implementing innovations in the widely comprehended technological industry allowed them to create a product that outperforms the competition.
Main competitive advantages
- Modern technologies, top quality components and solid and careful well made
- Possibility to customize Grom EV in many fields
- Fast and efficient service and spare parts availability worldwide
- The low failure rate of bikes and resistance to damages
- Warranty up to 5 years depending on the model
- Availability of personalized accessories such as solar chargers
Grom EV bikes have been tested by JW 2305 “GROM”(one of Poland’s premier special missions units) this week. The received comments will impact the final shape and way of product development.
One of the target markets where Grom EV plans to have a large share in the Canadian market. Why is the Canadian market attractive for the company? Electric bikes in Canada are not yet as popular as in Europe. There is a noticeable opportunity to exploit the sales potential of electric bikes. There is also a large number of MTB and extreme sports enthusiasts there. With the help of the Canadian market share, the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) agreement provides an opportunity to expand into the American and Mexican markets.
What will be the potential sales channels in the target market?
Potential for the target market in the future
Due to the Tecra Space platform, GROM EV is able to raise external financing from private and institutional investors. They intend to develop the Canadian branch of our company and increase its market position. Additionally, there is intentions of expanding the available models and introduce personalized accessories such as solar chargers.
If you have technological ptoject or interesting startup that needs funds to develop and can influence the world of science, please contact us via info@tecracoin.io
We will contact you and give you more information.
DPoW agreement with Komodo
We would like to inform you that Tecra has come to an agreement with Komodo concerning dPoW (delayed Proof-of-Work).
Now we are in the middle of the actualization of our main core, so it would be suitable for certain requirements. The Delayed Proof-of-Work is an additional backup mechanism, where one blockchain can utilize the security advantages provided by the hashing power of another blockchain. This capability is provided by a group of notarized nodes that add information from the first blockchain to the second. Therefore, in order to hack the first blockchain, the second one must also be hacked. So, if some blockchain implements the dPoW protocol, it can connect to Komodo, and then uses the hash power of Bitcoin. Thus, Tecra blockchain could utilize the dPoW protocol and benefit from using the hashpower of Bitcoin despite having other hash algorithms of PoW. In this matter, the Bitcoin network would additionally protect our blockchain.
To put it simply, Komodo takes into their system the hash of Tecra’s actual block and then places this transaction into the Bitcoin blockchain network — the copy is saved in the blockchain using a notarization process. Then, Komodo transfers the newly obtained hash of the transaction from the Bitcoin blockchain and saves it in Tecra’s network. Our core then has to verify whether such transactions appear and when they do, it checks whether the hash included in this transaction is in our blockchain. There will always be delays. because a bitcoin block is generated every 10 minutes and ours every 2.5 minutes. So before they manage to save one transaction and then save it in Tecra’s network, a couple of blocks will be generated on our side. The Bitcoin network would additionally protect our network.
Core updating to version 14
The actualization of the core continues. The core v14 is already synchronizing well and connected to our network. However, it is obvious that some flaws would emerge during the core updating and adjusting it to the main network. This week the fixes were done over some errors that hadn’t allowed to create new blocks in the presently updating core 14. Now, our developers are testing the properness of making new blocks in the core 14. So the compatibility between the old version of core and the new version should be accurate and durable because they will be working together in one system for a little while
(in the period of changing).
We are at the stage of testing and checking whether the blocks are normally created on the core — whether the nodes flawlessly create new blocks that are accepted by the rest of the network. In the next week, developers will activate the new masternode system on testnet. The participation of more masternodes will be needed in order to properly test the system. If it goes through the testnet well, we will start deploying the new core on the mainnet.
Considering the hash algorithms changing
Switching to other hash algorithms is a complex process that requires many verifications and testing. The main challenge that we encounter is changing from one algorithm to the other while keeping backward compatibility with the current Tecra blockchain. Nowadays, we are testing the Blake2 hash algorithm and so far, it is already twice faster than sha256 at the current stage of testing. We are determined to implement Blake2 in our blockchain. However, there are so many things to consider and check before the final implementation.
Many thanks to the next beta testers for joining us this week and their valuable comments on Tecra Space design and functionalities. It is possible to join, just contact us on any social media. If you’re very interested in seeing our new website now… you can guess the domain name. Tip: Tecra Space.
我们正在分析可能出现在Tecra Space平台上的第一个项目之一。
- 现代技术,最优质的组件以及精心制作
- 在许多领域定制的可能性
- 自行车的低故障率和抗损坏性
- 提供个性化配件,例如太阳能充电器
您要投资该产品吗?跟踪 Tecra Space平台!
Tecra Space将研究项目代币化。我们的区块链生态系统可以对科学项目和高科技进行投资。在此过程中,使用了Space Token。
拥有我们的加密货币可以让您同时进入较短的项目(例如TecraCoin Smart Deposit)和长期的研究项目。在这些项目中,常识,耐心和业务理解至关重要。
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