TecraCoin team members — Filip Pawczyński— Blockchain Expert
He runs the FP IT Management company, which has produced and introduced to the market the fastest in its class device for transaction authentication in Bitcoin — Bi•Fury USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner; So far, this is the only company of this kind in Poland. He is the only Pole who gave interview to the printed version of the prestigious “Bitcoin Magazine”.
He is the founder and president of the Polish Bitcoin Association — a non-profit organization that helps to better understand the potential of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.
He is also the Advisor to the Ministry of Digital Affairs in the development stream of “Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies” on the “From paper to Digital Poland” program.
In addition, he is the Vice-President of Chamber of Commerce of Blockchain and New Technologies in Poland, which aims to represent the interests of the blockchain industry, education, cooperation with educational and government bodies, shaping the principles of good practice and supporting the economic development of Poland.
He speaks at numerous conferences and seminars since 2014.