TecraCoin team members — Marcin Godlewski— Marketing Expert
Martin Godlewski has been involved in online marketing since 2006. As one of the top internet marketers in Poland, Marcin has donecampaigns for the biggest Polish personal development company, co-authored the book “The Bible E- business”, founded the first online training portal “MiastoSzkolen.pl” and founded the first Poland affiliate Partner Program — ProPartner.
Marcin has created multiple thematic portals, training and marketing groups, online courses and e-books. In recent years he has specialized in the organization and marketing of online training while working for the largest training company in Poland. He is also the co-creator of a training brand in the field of network marketing, and a CMO for the world’s first professional mobile application with gamification for network Marketing. Currently, he focuses on the subject of Blockchain, supporting his ICO experience and is the CMO of the innovative Crypto exchange.