TecraCoin team members — prof. dr hab. Andrzej Jeżowski- science expert
He is a graduate in physics at the Faculty of Mathematics-Physics and Chemistry at the University of Wroclaw. He received the title of professor of physical sciences in 1998. Since 1975 he has been working at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Science. Between 2002 and 2010 he was the Deputy Scientific Director of INTiBS and since 2001 he has been the Director of the Institute.
He is a member of: Commission A1 of the International Institute of Refrigeration in Paris (since 2000), the Editorial Committee of the journal of Low Temperature Physics (since 2002), the Scientific Council of the Institute of Molecular Physics PAS in Poznan (since 2011), the Scientific Council of the International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures in Wroclaw (since 2011) and the chairman of the Presidium of the scientific center ‘Center of Research for Advanced Materials and Intelligent Structures’.
Professor Andrzej Jeżowski is the author of several monographs and over 170 articles in scientific journals from the Philadelphia list, cited more than a thousand times, as well as numerous lectures and presentations given at scientific conferences in the field of solid state physics.
He has been repeatedly the organizer and co-organizer of international conferences and the initiator of regular ‘Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals’ conferences. Professor Jeżowski closely cooperates with numerous international institutions involved in research in the field of low temperatures.
His research interests focus mainly on issues related to thermal properties of molecular crystals, superconductors, BioCeramics and amorphous materials.
He is the author of more than 170 scientific papers published in journals from the Master Journal List.